
周海汉 2013.9.24

coursera(http://www.coursera.org ) 是斯坦福大学年轻的华裔教授吴恩达 Andrew Ng 创建的免费课程学习网站。 吴恩达是斯坦福大学人工智能实验室主任,担任该大学机器学习课程的主讲,业内声誉很高。推荐感兴趣的可以了解一下。
Andrew Ng 介绍网页:https://www.coursera.org/instructor/~35
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10/14/2013 (10 weeks)
Learn about the most effective machine learning techniques, and gain practice implementing them and getting them to work for yourself.

10/07/2013 (9 weeks)
This course will use social network analysis, both its theory and computational tools, to make sense of the social and information networks…

09/23/2013 (4 weeks)
This course is about learning the fundamental computing skills necessary for effective data analysis. You will learn to program in R and to…


1 Responses to 数据分析相关网上学习课程

  1. r6说道:

    我也是研究数据分析这块,咱们一起交换链接呗 http://www.r66r.net
